LooK at Me !!

LooK at Me !!
"l,M Walking !!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

21 November 2008

We have just had a call from Wellington Hospital telling us that Gracyn in now feeding 18mls of boobie juice (had to call it that just for you Heather) and managing it well. Gracyn is now on the Wellington C- pap machine which is the next step up and means she dos;nt have to wear the helmet style set up and is doing most of the work by herself.(another step forward)
They have put her on an iv antibiotic due to a rash that has happen by wearing the helmet style c-pap shown in the above picture.(and a step back) She has a little irritation under her chin which they are treating with the iv line. There is talk of getting her transfered to the Hutt Hospital as soon as the iv line gets taken out and her rash/infection has cleared. THis could be as soon as Sunday or Monday this will make a great differance to us all. There is no rush though as we are happy with the care she recieve,s in town. So Gracyn mite have a new bedroom in Hutt Hospital next week, Yee haa

How Exciting

Steve, Ange,Tegan,Gracyn


Rainie said...

Wow, that is just the best news, fingers crossed for a transfer to Hutt Hospital....one more step closer. When is the cork popping, maybe next week if she comes to the Hutt.....or.....since I havn't heard much about it recently perhaps its already been downed.

Love & Hugs to all


Rainie said...
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