LooK at Me !!

LooK at Me !!
"l,M Walking !!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

30th August 2009

What a weekend , Gracyn has some good days and some bad days.She is back on oxygen and was tube fed up until last nite. We were just about off the oxygen all together then she went and had a coughing fit which put here back on.
i spent Saturday nite in the hospital with Gracyn, what a long nite. She is on 2 hourly feeds 55 ml at a time.They are doing this because a larger volume may put presure on her digaphram givng here breathing difficulties so you just get to sleep then its time to get up again. Gracyn was well behaved for her dad takeing her bottle and going straight back to sleep. The doctors have given her Redipred a steroid that may help, Hopefully we will see some change soon.
Today i managed to get a smile and a giggle from Gracyn something that i have,nt seen since last thursday, it made my day.Maybe this is a sign of improvement i hope.This doctors won,t let her out until she is off the oxygen for at least 12 hours so it looks like we may be in for a longer stay than we anticpated.Angela is there tonite and probably tomorrow nite, i may take some leave and do a shift during the week to give Angela a break.Wee will just have too see what happens.


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